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Facilities Available
- 100 beds indoor unit
- Semi special room with two beds
- Air conditioned special room
- Separate isolation ward for infective patients
- Round the clock emergency services
- Dormitory facility for the student
- Comfortable waiting area
- 4 well equipped operation theatres
- Well equipped speciality clinics for retina, cornea, glaucoma, sonography, laser etc.
- Facility for general anaesthesia
- Laboratory facility
- Janseva Medical and optical store where drugs and spectacles are provided at subsidized rates
- Lift for patients
- Kitchen and dining facility (Kasturi bhojanshala) – free to patient and one relative
- Library with spiritual and other books
- Mineral water plant and cooler for drinking water facility
- 35 KVA and 15 KVA Diesel Generator units
- TV in wards and OPD for entertainment of patients and relatives
- Availability of reading material in OPD and wards
- Dormitory facility for relatives of the patients